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Terms and Conditions


Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using the information and services available through the Merlin's Group website (“the website”). By accessing or using the website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. Merlin's Group may modify this agreement at any time, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting the modified agreement on the website.



If any part of this agreement is held invalid that part shall be severed from this agreement and the remainder of this agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable.
Termination of this agreement will not end those provisions that are capable of surviving the ending of this agreement.
The laws governing this agreement will be the laws in Canberra, Australia and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of its Courts and its Appellate Courts and the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia sitting in Canberra, ACT.


Information for personal, non-commercial use only

You agree that information contained on the website is for personal use only and may not be sold, redistributed or used for any commercial purpose. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any material from the website including code and software. You must not use the website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms of use.

You may not use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or similar automated data gathering, extraction or publication tools on the website (including without limitation for the purposes of establishing, maintaining, advancing or reproducing information contained on the website on your own website or in any other publication).


No Guarantee of Vacancy

Merlin's Group provides no guarantee to you of the continued availability of any particular job advertised on the website and will not be liable to you should Merlin's Group have filled the vacancy at any time prior to removal of the advertisement from the website.


No Guarantee of Rate per Hour

Merlin's Group provides no guarantee to you of the anticipated rate per hour for any particular job advertised on the website. Merlin's Group estimate the Rate per Hour using our Experienced Recruitment personnel and will work with our potential candidates to agree on a Rate per Hour prior to commencing a contract.


No Guarantee of Product Availability

Merlin's Group provides no guarantee to you of the availability of any particular product advertised on the website and will not be liable to you should Merlin's Group have sold out of stock at any time prior to update of the stock on the website.


Information does not constitute professional advice

You acknowledge and agree that information published by Merlin's Group is intended to provide general information in summary form. Merlin's Group does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information.
It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, merchandise and other information provided through the website or on the Internet generally.
In no event will Merlin's Group be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you or anyone else in reliance upon any information contained on or omitted from the website.


No Guarantee of as to the Security of your information

Merlin's Group take due care in upholding and ensuring privacy and integrity of the information you provide. However, Merlin's Group provides no guarantee that this information is immune from unlawful observation by third parties either in-transit over the internet nor being stored in Merlin's Group's databases.


No false representations allowed

You agree that in using the Merlin's Group website, you will not provide inaccurate or misleading information nor omit information that may eventuate in misleading or deceiving others.

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